Hello, my name is

Walid Mokhtar Bennaceur

Postdoctoral research fellow in Computer Science

About Me

Hi there!

​Welcome to my career portfolio! I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Industrial Engineering Laboratory (LGI) at École CentraleSupélec as part of a SAFRAN Group chair, France. My area of research interest is related to Safety Engineering.  I hope that this portfolio provides insight into my character, programming background, analytical skills, and accomplishments.

I defended my PhD thesis in November 2018 entitled "Formal models for safety analysis of a Datacenter system". I am interested in Model-Based approach for Safety Assessement of systems and I would like to continue my research in this field and obtain an industry experience. Please feel free to contact me!

Picture of Walid Mokhtar Bennaceur


Industrial Engineering Laboratory

2020.9 - now

Gif-sur-Yvettes, France

Postdoctoral research fellow

Techniques of graphical animations of systems engineering models and their integration with behavioral simulation tools.

University of Versailles

2017.9 - 2020.9

Versailles, France

Teaching Assistant

Teaching Algorithmics, Computer Networks, Programing Languages (C++, C, Java, Lisp), Signal Processing.


2015.4 - 2015.9

Paris, France

Master Internship

Safety Analysis of a Data Center Electrical Topology.


2011.6 - 2012.8

Oran, Algeria

Master Internship

Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) to an electrical network.


University of Versailles

2015.9 - 2019.11

Versailles, France

PhD in Computer Sciences

Formal Models for Safety Analysis of Data Centers' Systems.

University of Versailles

2013.9 - 2015.9

Versailles, France

Master in Computer Science & Network Administration

Safety Analysis a Data Center Electrical Topology.

University of Oran

2006.9 - 2011.7

Oran, Algeria

Master in Computer Science & Mathematics

Application of a GIS to manage an electrical network.

Space Technology Centre

2008.9 - 2010.9

Oran, Algeria

BSc in Space Technology

Satellite Image Processing .

Conferences & Journals

Formal models for safety and performance analysis of a data center system

    Reliability engineering & system safety journal, volume 193, pages 106643, elsevier 2020.

Electrical and Thermal System Impact on the Availability of a Data Center's System

    2018 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS), Pages 142-148, Barcelona, Spain 2018.

Reliability and Performance Analysis of a Data Center's Network Architecture

    2018 IEEE 37th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), Pages 1-8, Florida, USA, 2018.

Safety Analysis of a Data Center System

    Congrès Lambda Mu 21 « Maîtrise des risques et transformation numérique : opportunités et menaces », Reims, France, 2018.

Safety Analysis of a Data Center’s Electrical System Using Production Trees

    International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, pages 82-96, Trento, Italy, 2017.


Systems Engineering & Safety Assessment

My area of research interest is related to Safety Engineering.

Skill Sets

Model-based design Risk Analysis Petri Nets Fault Trees Analysis Markov Chains
Interactive Technology

The interaction between devices and humans fascinates me and I love developing new expereinces that enhance human ability and relationship with robotics.

Interest Areas

Smart Home Systems Brain-Computer Interface
Robotics & Hardware

I love engineering a system and putting mechinical, electrical, and embeded systems together.

Skill Sets

Arduino Rasberry Pi

I have developed a model-based methodology to analyze performance & safety of a complex system.

Skill Sets

Git Java C++ R MatLab HTML CSS Javascript React Jquery Node.js mySQL

Other Scientific Research

I love astrophysics, space sciences and exploring possibilities by doing research.


Theory of Relativity Quantum Mechanics String Theory
Other things I do

Astrography Football Guitars Following Tech News Flight Simulator


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Contact Me

Feel free to contact me.